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Fair İsle Knitting

Fair İsle Knitting

Fair Isle is located in the far north of Scotland halfway between the Orkney Islands and the Shetland Islands. Fair Isle is a small island with few resources and resources. Therefore, many people on the island, especially women, earn a living by knitting. The Fair Isle knitting technique takes its name from this island and was originally developed in the Shetland Islands. This knitting technique creates unique and distinctive patterns that are popular in the region. Because the patterns are stranded, Fair Island knitting typically does not contain more than two to three stitches in any of the colors used.

When a Fair Isle knit pattern has a block that has one color and is very long, it also means that the other color has a much longer thread. This can easily get caught on a button or similar object. Typically, Fair Isle knitting continues in the round and people usually use the Shetland jumper weight yarns at about 8 stitches per inch. To make or make a pullover using the Fair Isle knitting technique, you must sew or fasten the work where the armholes go off. Thereafter, the armholes are made by cutting off the node fabric. The cuts to make armholes are known as steeks among American knitters, but those in the Shetland region do not use that term.

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