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Depending on the climate of the country in which it is to be used, different sheepskin coats have been produced. The production of the coats also takes into account the diet of the sheep and the craftsmanship from region to region in the country. Also the breed and the age of the sheep play a big role, because for this reason the different types of belts were achieved.

The lambskin coats were made from the newly sheared sheep, and the designer always assigns a specific piece of fur to the indicated fur element to see its appearance. The elements are always the same with the panels added.

The best sheepskin coats are from the old sheep. These coats consist of a stronger skin of the sheep, with which it is very easy to work. The skin of the old sheep may look thick and therefore less supple.

Lambskin coats, however, are soft, supple and lighter than the coat, warmer than down and more durable than fabric. As the product of the lambskin coat is natural, it is subject to the fluctuations and whims which implies that it stays warm for a long time, is luxurious and has excellent performance.

The work of the lambskin coats is very amazing. These coats keep you warm when it's cold and cold when it's warm. The layers are also flame retardant, static and water resistant. The coats are also very durable and can last many years compared to other coats.